
Location: Kuopio City Theatre

Day 1 Thu 26.9.2024


9.00 Opening words (Leena Latonen, chair of organizing committee)

9.05-9.20 Awarding of the Eero Saksela -prize

Vesa Kataja, Chair of the Scientific Advisory Board of the Finnish Cancer Institute

Session I: Breakthroughs in single cell technologies (Chair: Merja Heinäniemi)

9.20-9.50 Kyoung Jae Won (Cedars Sinai Medical Center, USA): Unveiling cell-contact interactions in cancer from spatial transcriptomics data

9.50-10.20 Martin Enge (Karolinska Institute, Sweden): Cancer stem cells and clonal structure in ALL

10.20-10.35 Short talk: Inga-Maria Launonen (University of Helsinki): CD8+T-cell interplay with myeloid cells as spatial determinant of chemotherapy response in the tumor-microenvironment of metastatic high-grade serous ovarian cancer


Session II: Heterogeneity in Cancer (Chair: Sanna Pasonen-Seppänen)

11.00-11.30 Charlotte Stadler (KTH Royal Institute of Technology and SciLifeLab, Sweden): Using multiplexed imaging to improve diagnosis and guide treatment selection

11.30-12.00 Sampsa Hautaniemi (University of Helsinki): Towards multi-modal data based clinical decisions in ovarian cancer

12.00-12.30 Serena Vegna (Netherlands Cancer Institute): Harnessing the Potential of Myeloid Cells in Liver Cancer: A Matter of Cancer Cell Genetics and Combinations


Session III: Molecular profiling in cancer (Chair: Tiina Vesterinen)

13.30-14.00 Matti Nykter (Tampere University): Understanding treatment resistance in prostate cancer - lessons from liquid biopsies and spatial transcriptomics

14.00-14.30 Minna Laitinen (Helsinki University Hospital): Chondrosarcoma - a surgical disease

14.30-15.00 Tuomas Mirtti (Helsinki University Hospital and University of Helsinki): Current view to prostate cancer research beyond Gleason

15.00-15.30 Anna-Liisa Levonen-Harju (University of Eastern Finland): The oncogenic role of NRF2 in lung cancer


Session IV: Predicting cancer risk (Chair: Jaana Hartikainen)

16.00-16.30 Montserrat Garcia-Closas (The Institute of Cancer Research London, UK): Advances in Breast Cancer Risk Prediction

16.30-17.00 Nina Mars (University of Helsinki/FinnGen): Personalizing cancer screening using germline genomics

17.00-17.15 Short talk: Raju Gudhe (University of Eastern Finland): Validating an AI-Based Breast Density System Using Digital Mammograms for Risk Analysis

17.30-18.30 Poster session

19.00 -> Dinner at Peräniemen Kasino

Day 2 Fri 27.9.2024

Session V: Functional heterogeneity and targets in cancer (Chair: Kirsi Ketola)

9.00-9.30 Tuomas Tammela (Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, USA): Functional interrogation of intra-tumoral heterogeneity in solid tumors

9.30-10.00 Juha Klefström (University of Helsinki): Malignant dialogue between MYC and the mitochondrial respiration

10.00-10.15 Short talk: Frida Rantanen (University of Oulu): Targeting Interacting Pathways Between Cancer Cells and Fibroblasts in prostate cancer

10.15-10.30 Short talk: Nikhil Gupta (University of Turku): Species-specific role of RAS in Malignant Transformation


Session VI: Broadening multimodality to Image data and AI (Chair Leena Latonen)

11.00-11.30 Alastair D. Lamb (University of Oxford): The rainbow cancer: using spatial genomics to shift the paradigm of clinical decision-making in prostate cancer

11.30-12.00 Anil Parwani (Ohio State University): From Pixels to Patterns, Diagnostics and Predictions: Value Proposition of Digital Pathology and Artificial Intelligence

12.00-12.30 Pekka Ruusuvuori (University of Turku): AI-based computational pathology at a scale

12.30-12.45 Short talk: Sonja Koivukoski (University of Eastern Finland): Unstained tissue imaging and virtual HE staining of whole slide images: towards clinical tumor assessment


13.45-14.00 Poster and short talk prizes

Session VII: Impact of clinical research (Chair Arto Mannermaa)

14.00-14.30 Tuomo Alanko (Docrates Cancer Center) Young clinical researcher of the year: Clinical Research From The Patient Perspective

14.30-15.20 Panel discussion:

Johanna Mäkelä (Finnish Biobanks)

TBA (Kuopio University Hospital)

Erkki Soini (EsioR Oy)

Tiina Vesterinen (Foundation of the Finnish Cancer Institute)

Timo Toikkanen (Patient representative)

15.20-15.30 Closing words (A. Mannermaa, Chair of UEF Cancer RC)